Okay, so Nanc, and Shadow, you have inspired me to actually do a blog on this year, and my goals that I'm striving for before the 1st of next year.
Well, first and formost I'm going to have this baby, and try to be the best Mom I can be. There are going to be SOO many changes this year, just thinking about it makes my head spin!
1) Have Baby, Heal fast, and get back into full active life.
2) Get back into the cleaning, organizing, and cooking that I did before getting prego.
3) When/If Chris is transfered to another town, don't panic, just take care of my children, and do what I can to prepare to leaving Juneau.
4) Keep this ever so much healthier eating habits. K, I know that after a while I did get back into Carbs, and sugars, this time I resolve to not! Or, if I do, use much more restraint then I did before.
5) Aquire and keep a LARGE savings, and make smarter choices to $$ matters.
6) After Caleb is born, and I'm no longer breast feeding, I WILL NOT go back to smoking, no matter how stressed, and hormone ampped out I get!
7) If Chris ever goes back to smoking, I will do everything I can not to kill him, but no promises.
8) Enchorage Chris, and all of us to continue to go to church, but not be a pestering brat when he's not up to it.
9) I will no longer be a stepping stool for those people that I've always cared about, but never cared enough for me. For those that I make all attempts to contact, call, and invite to things, when they refuse, don't show, or take for granted that I"m just there, I will let them go. All of the peole to take me for granted NEVER ASSUME THEY WILL LOSE ME. But they will. Too many years have been spent waiting for others outside of my Family to even simply call me back. I won't anymore. Polite, and curtious is what I'll be, but I'll no longer put myself out there for others to use when it's only merely convient for them, and to be conviently absent when it is that I need them. It hurts too much to be used in such a way, and my energy is better spent on my Children. Even if that means that I eventually say good bye to almost everyone, so be it. It may not make much sense, and that's okay.
10) When a "friend" drops me, I'll walk away too.
11) No matter how much family hurts me, I still love them, and when they become "unwierd", and stop hurting me, I'm here. Family is different then "friends"
12) I'll stop thinking others are as considerate as I am.
13) I will work on my physical health, and enchorage my husband to work on his.
14) Clutter will not live in my home!
15) I will watch LESS TV, and listen to more music, and make my Children do so as well.
16) I will use every impliment I can to help my children grow, and learn as much as they can. Bring on the books, and foriegn language video's!
17) I will strive to not only define myself as a good person, but as a better person for my Family.
18) I will continue to strive to be a standing persona that my children can look up to someday. I will enchorage and support my Husband to do that same.
19) I will expose my children to the wonders of outdoors, playing, hiking, and being out in it!
and last, but not least
20) I vow that all of my goals will not be accomplished in this order, but rather as a constant self awareness, and believe that I can, and are doing them.
Okay, so there's my long list. I think that they are ALL do-able.