Sunday, September 14, 2008

For the first time.....

Okay, so I know that this is the first blog I've done. I thought it was time, considering all the changes going on!

Here it goes,

Corban got his 8th tooth, which means Monday I'm calling the dentist for his first visit.

We sold the ever so wonderful Jimmy, for the first time, spent more then $300.00 on a vehicle, and bought a '93 Chevy truck, and promtly put the most expensive stero I've ever boughten in it.

Chris met with the Missionary's, and told me that on the 27th of this month, he will be baptised, so now for the first time I know it's really going to happen.

My tummy grew in that good way, and for the first time, I REALLY felt that hard bump when I laid on my tummy.

Within 2 weeks, I'm getting my HUGE old school suburban, so for the first time I'll own a vehicle that can fit many many people and things.

Thanks to Chris, on Tuesday, I will own for the first time a large brand new recliner that's all mine (Well, and my babys), and a new full table and chairs set.

For the first time I got a cell phone that wasn't a free one included in some plan.

Thanks to our new truck, for the first time we now have our own new chest freezer, and I'll be able to stock up on meats, cheeses, and breads.

Thanks to the PFD'S, for the first time, I'll be able to build a food storage that will last longer then 2-3 months.

Also, thanks the the PFD'S, I'll be able to have a very large substantial $ savings, so that if something happens to Chris, we'll have some repreive.

For the first time, since the strong pull of prenacie tiredness has hit me, I trully feel like I'm preparing our family in the right way.

For the first time in YEARS, I feel like I have a true religous relationship with Heavenly Father.

For the first time in some time, I can see that not only am I fully appreciating my Husband, but he is appreciatting me.

For the first time.....

How blessed I feel that I'm able to say these things as a truth, instead of a wish.

I am blessed.

1 comment:

flyingsolo said...

Hey Julie, I'm so happy for you! Love Mom