Thursday, February 19, 2009

Those Kind Of Thoughts

I sit here, feeling my little Caleb Gene move around in my tummy (it's always a strange feeling), listening to Corban watch his beloved Dora count something on a castle, and I can't but help the feeling of "What's gonna happen?"
The year started alittle rough with the news of my Grandpa. I don't know why, but I didn't even tell anyone that he passed. Not any of my friends, or my cousin's on my Mom's side. Maybe it was the whole concept of "getting over it". Maybe I thought that if I talked about it all the time, or with a bunch of people, then it would be harder to work through it on my own in my head. Anyway! On with other things.
I have 22 days until this little boy is born. Well, it could happen before that, but I'm kinda doubtin' it. Chris's Dad (Big Chris) , and his lady friend (Leanne) is supposed to come visit that same week. I think that Grama Sue will be happy to have more adults for Corban! I havn't met Big Chris yet, but I"m looking forward to it.
I'm apprehensive about the Baby Shower this Saturday. It's day after tomorrow, and there has been no concret plans, RSVP'S, or even a schedule of what will be happening. I know that Nanci is planning it, but it's here at my appartment, and I'm anxious to know how many women will be here. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't always feeling like I should take the riens, and do it all myself.
I think that Corban has a few too many food allergy's, and we've discovered that he may be a sleep walker! We woke up thise morning with him gone from his bed! Totally scary until we saw where he went. He walked himself, and his blankie into the living room, and behind my chair, next to the lamp that we keep on during the night. He then laid down, and went back to sleep. Before this, almost everynight, he would get up from his bed, walk into the living room, turn around, and come into our room, and cry until Chris would get up, take him to a chair, and then he would fall right back to sleep. After last night, we think he may just sleep walk. Makes me really glad that we don't have any stairs!
Chris is doing awesome at Walmart. If he keeps his profits up in his department, it'll be the first time in the history of Walmart Meat dept. has kept a profit this long. Quite a big thing! It's been shown more then once that the Meat Dept isn't for profit, it's to bring in customers, and make the rest of the profit making dept's look good. So, for Chris to make a more then 20% profit consistantly is AWESOME! I'm so proud of him!
Life is just flowing by. Soon we will have 2 children, and hopefully not far away from Chris looking at trianing for a promotion. Chris wants to transfer to another store, and for our kids, I don't blame him! It's so hard to get time outside! I believe that kids NEED outside time. My nephews and niece get it, I want my boys to get it too.
Okay, I have to give Corban a bath now. Then it's off to the races! I have lot's to do today, and not enough energy to do it in!
My love